New Year Beginning


Our new year has been in Kallaroo where we have been since early in December 2016. On New Years Eve, we celebrated with Max, Mike and Trish the end of 2016 and then went to meet some of our new neighbours in the Cherokee Village at the social club house.
On New Years Day, we celebrated the beginning of Epiphany at Kingsley Parish Church with Gill and a good number of folk in the Parish. and concluded the day with watching the Edinburgh Tattoo on TV.
On Monday, we spent time on the beach at Whitfords and then the rest of this day taking time out.

Had a most interesting time with Sally and Bill at Kings Park where we spent all the evening  by the War Memorial catching up with family news and stories from Ethiopia, Paynes Find, Daintree, and so many more places following birds and other interests.

Went to Work on Tuesday to complete an Invoice Project.
Received a gift from Kim of two DVDs on The History of Christianity and the Steps of St Paul with David Suchet and watched some of one of them.
Good beginning to a New Year of change.