Miracle didn’t turn out the way I expected. Quite the opposite. Still don’t know who was giving inaccurate information. Come what may, that contract was short lived, followed by another even shorter. My inability to stand for hours at a scanner without getting sore feet was a hindrance to doing that job.
This one has started well, good instruction, quiet orderly workplace and supportive recruitment company. The difference was that I humbled myself before God and remembered that my life is hid with Christ in God, ( Colossians 3) that God counts the things of this world as foolishness. I had to remember where my treasure lay, …
Read More “Third contract since August.”
On Monday, Anne received a refusal of employment, and replied asking for the reason why. Yesterday, she was called up by the manager with an explanation. 10 minutes later the Employment Agency called and invited Anne to tender for a job starting next week and was surprised to find that her contact was the same …
Read More “Anne Changes to a new Position – Miracle”
I have just heard that Will has secured his first programming job in London after four exhausting interviews. Congratulations Will and every success.